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Cohesive programme needed to revive cricket – Ravi K.

Cohesive programme needed to revive cricket – Ravi K.

Former finance minister Ravi Karunanayake has called for a cohesive programme to revive the game of cricket in Sri Lanka with the support of its veterans.

He was speaking at a cricket carnival that is presently underway in front of Grand Oriental Hotel, where all matches of the World Cup 2023 are being shown on wide screen.

Karunanayake said all wished for the resolution of the issue of cricket, loved by all, by eliminating corruption and irregularities and giving opportunities for experienced players without undue interferences.

A programme should be implemented to bring out the inborn talents of our cricketers, while immediately removing and punishing those responsible for irregularities, he said.

Not just in cricket, but all other fields should be cleansed of fraud and corruption, he added.

Collective responsibility to strengthen economy
Karunanayake also responded to questioned raised by journalists with regard to the economy.

The collapsed economy has been given a reawakening, he said, adding that president Ranil Wickremesinghe has been able, with much difficulty, to bring the country out of its dark period to some extent.

The president will give leadership via the budget to help it come out of difficulties, and it is the responsibility of all to support him collectively, he said.

The best thing to do at this moment is to curtail expenses and earn more income creatively, with focus on strengthening the export economy, said the former finance minister.

Although we were forced to go to the IMF for support, we should not agree to everything it says.

Work untiringly and strengthen the economy via a method of our own, he said adding that 90 per cent has to suffer for the wrongdoings committed by a mere 10 per cent.

Certain state officials have misled the country
There is talent among state officials, but 15 to 20 per cent among them have misled the country, he charged.

It was wrong to level the finger at only politicians, who number 9,000 at most, while there are as many as 1.7 million state sector officials through whom everything should be done.

At least now, that should be changed after 71 years of finger-pointing, he stressed.

Next year will see two to three elections taking place, Karunanayake added.
